What is CDAC-CCAT and Detailed Syllabus for CDAC-CCAT Entrance Exam

 What is CDAC ?

-The CDAC PG Diploma course is a full-time post-graduate diploma program offered by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) in India. The program is of 6 months duration and consists of 900 hours (24 weeks) of study. The CDAC batch for this program usually starts in March and September each year. The upcoming CDAC batch is scheduled to start on 17th March 2023 and end on 31st August 2023.

To be eligible for the CDAC PG Diploma course, candidates must appear for the CDAC Common Admission Test (CCAT). The CCAT exam consists of three sections - Section A, Section B, and Section C. The indicative syllabus for each section of the test papers in C-CAT is provided by CDAC.

-> Section A :- Contains English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and duration for Sec A is  1 hour

-> Section B :- Contains Computer Fundamentals, C Programming, Data Structures,

Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Operating Systems and duration for Sec B is 1 hour

-> Section C :-  Contains  Computer Architecture, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors and duration for Sec C is  1 hour

Detailed syllabus of CCAT exam:-

SECTION (A) =  50 questions

English – (15 questions)
Quantitative Aptitude – (18-20 questions)
Critical Reasoning – (15-18 questions)

ENGLISH (15 question)

  1. Reading comprehension (passage)
  2. Sentence completion 
  3. Prepositions(of, by, on, at, with etc)
  4. Articals(A, An, The)
  5. Synonyms , Antonyms
  6. Idioms and phrases
  7. Active and passive voice
  8. Arrangement of sentences(given 4 sentence in PQRS form and arrange them)
  9. Spotting errors

Quantitative aptitude (18-20 questions)

  1.  Number system                                                   11. calender ,            
  2.  HCF & LCM, Decimal fractions,                       12. clock,
  3.  Average ,problems on numbers,                         13. permutation and combination,
  4.  Ages,                                                                   14. Time and work,
  5.  Percentage ,                                                         15. Time and Distance,
  6.  Profit and  loss,                                                   16. Boat and Streams ,
  7.  Ratio and proportion,                                          17. Train,
  8.  Partnership,                                                         18. odd man out and series 
  9.  Allegation and mixture,
  10.  Simple interest $ compound interest,

REASONING (15-18 questions)

  1. Sitting arrangement (circular table, straight line)
  2. Series(number),
  3. Direction sence(North East West South) 
  4. Blood relation
  5. Syllogism
  6. Coded inequality
  7. Puzzle test
  8. Coding decoding

CCAT Exam Study Material

SECTION (B) = 50 questions 

C programming – 15 questions

Data structure – 07 questions

Data communication network – 10 questions

OOPS (c++)– 09 questions

Operating system – 09 questions

C – programming  (15 questions)      

  1. Data types , operators
  2. Loop (for loop , while, do…while, jump statement)
  3. Function (user defined, storage classes, pass by value and pass by address )
  4. Pointers (void pointer, NULL pointer, pointer arithmatics, Function pointer)
  5. ENUM ,
  6. Strings (declaration , string size, length,)
  7. ARRAY (1D and 2D array, static and dynamic implementation, size of array)
  8. Structure 
  9. Union 
  10. Pre-processor ,MACROS, command line
  11. Typedef 
  12. File handling , bit field

DATA STRUCTURE ( 7 questions)

  1. Time complexity (best case, average case, worse case)
  2. Sorting (selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort)
  3. Searching(binary search, linear/sequential search)
  4. Queue (type of queues, application of queue, operation of queue)
  5. Linkedlist (singly linear , Doubly linear, singly circular, Doubly circular linkedlist and there time complexity)
  6. Tree (tree terminology , types of tree binary tree and its types, spanning tree)
  7.  In-order , Pre-order, Post-order (traversal)
  8. Graph (basic terminologies of graph)

Data Communication network (10 questions)

  1. Transmission media (guided , unguided medium)
  2. Switching (circuit switching, message switching, packet switching)
  3.  multiplexing (FDM , TDM)
  4. Commom type of network :- LAN, MAN ,WAN, PAN , SAN, CAN
  5. Token Ring
  6. Ethernet
  7. MAC Address , IP Address, switch , bridges
  8. IPV4, IPV6
  9. Special Address , Classless/classful Address( class A, class B,C,D,E)
  10. OSI Layer 
  11. Common TCP/IP stack protocol 
  12. ARP, IP, ICMP, TCP,UDP, FTP, Telnet, DNS, HTTP protocol

OOPS /C++ (9 Questions) 

  1. Data member , member function, access specifies
  2. Class , Object , struct
  3. Private, public
  4. Inspectors, mutators, facilitators, constructor and dustructor
  5. Default arguments, inline functions 
  6. Cout ,cin ,new , malloc
  7. Function overloading, operator overloading,
  8. Composition, Friend function and friend class,
  9. Copy constructor and assignment operator
  10. Inheritance , types, modules, virtual inheritance,
  11. Virtual function, pure virtual function 
  12. Abstract class , 
  13. Abstraction , encapsulation, polymorphism, hierarchy(is a hierarchy , has a hierarchy)

Operating system (09 questions)

  1. What is OS, need of OS, OS elements, OS functionalities, Booting process
  2. Computer hardware and its major components(CPU, Memory, IO): Memory technologies and its characteristics, IO module structure, External Devices structure, and IO techniques
  3. Memory access method (sequential, direct, random, associative),memory hierarchy, Cache and Main Memory, multilevel cache organization, RAM,
  4. Kernal space, user space, kernel mode , user mode, system calls,
  5. Process management, scheduler, contest switchimg
  6. CPU scheduling algorithms(FCFS, SJF, priority, Round Robin, Multi-level) 
  7. DEADLOCK detection and avoidance,
  8. IPC ,physical address, logical address
  9. Pagging , virtual memory

CCAT Exam Study Material

SECTION (C ) 50 questions 

Digital electronics– (20 questions)

Computer architecture– (15 questions)

Microprocessor – (15 questions)

Digital electronics  (20 questions)

  1. Number system(Decimal number, Binary num, Octal num, Hexadecimal num)
  2. Converting from Another base to Decimal,
  3. Converting from Decimal to Another base,
  4. Converting from octal to binary, binary to octal,
  5. BCD covertion , excess 3 code, gray code,
  6. K-Map, Boolean algebra, Laws, LOGIC GATES, Universal Gates,
  7. Binary addition , Binary subtraction, Multiplication, Division, 1’s Complement, 2’s Complement, 
  8. Combinational circuit (Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor, Miltiplexer, Demultiplixer, Decoder, Encoder)
  9. Sequential circuit(RS Flip-flop, D Flip-flop, JK Flip-flop, T Flip-flop, counter, shift register)

Computer Architecture (15 questions)

  1. Machine instructions, Memory-Reference Instructions, Register-Refrence Instructions, I/O Instructions, Addressing modes,
  2. ALU Data path,
  3. CPU control unit Design, Memory Interfacing, Pipelining
  4. Memory (cache memory, main memory , secondary memory)
  5. RAM , type of RAM 
  7. Secondary Memory (ROM)
  8. Type of ROM

MICROPROCESSOR (15 questions)

  1. What is microprocessor , basic microcomputer
  2. Classification of microprocessor
  3.  RISC architecture, CISC architecture, Harvard architecture, Von- Neumann Architecture
  4. Microprocessor 8085, 8085 Architecture 
  5. 8085 PIN descriptions
  6. Interrupt , classification of interrupts, interrupt Handling procedure, 8085 Instruction
  7. Instruction set classification, 
  8. Microprocessor 8086 , Architecture of 8086, PIN diagram

CCAT Exam Study Material

CDAC-CCAT Entrance Exam Reference Book :-

CCAT Exam Study Material



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